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Agustin Rayo (4/27)
In Thoughts from Learners
Sravya Kuchibhotla
Harvard GenEd 2021
Apr 26, 2021
Hi Luke, interesting point! When I first watched this video, I perceived the assertion that predicability is equal to "well-behaved" from the point of view of statistics, wherein a model is "well-behaved" if it is able to accurately predict a certain outcome. I don't think the social norm of being "well-behaved" is what is being equated to "predictability," but I am happy to hear your thoughts.
Brendan Meade and Susan Murphy
In Thoughts from Learners
Sravya Kuchibhotla
Harvard GenEd 2021
Apr 19, 2021
Hi William, great post! I thought it was particularly interesting how you combined speakers from different videos by including Shneiderman in your post.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
In Thoughts from Learners
Sravya Kuchibhotla
Harvard GenEd 2021
Apr 14, 2021
Hey Gaurang, this is a great point! I particularly liked the example of your mother's phone - if you don't know what exactly you're looking for (or worse, you think you know but you're wrong), you could end up wasting a lot of time and resources looking for the wrong thing. I thought your post would be very good for explaining to someone who isn't as familiar with the concept of extraterrestrial life. Nice job!
Dan Gilbert - A Question I'd Have Asked
In Thoughts from Learners
Sravya Kuchibhotla
Harvard GenEd 2021
Apr 02, 2021
The point you made about the predetermined nature of TV Shows is a really good one. It's also a really funny phenomenon because the very people who check out their horoscopes in the morning also refuse to look at "spoilers" before watching a TV show or movie. It's interesting how selective we are in the things we want to learn about and the things we choose to revel within the mystery of instead.
Shneiderman + Murray
In Health
Kammen + McCarthy
In Earth
Sravya Kuchibhotla
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