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David Madzivanyika
Harvard GenEd 2023
Apr 19, 2023
In Space
This interview made some very interesting points when discussing the overall evolution of the concept of the Padua rainbow. Especially when tying in ancient Mesopotamia and their practices when viewing space and tracking the planetary movement. I found it interesting to see how even in early human history, the ability to more or less change how data science is interpreted in order to accompany expectations with the science is laughable. The next topic I found interesting was the use of AI in the general public and how human expectations can limit the results that AI is able to achieve. The influence of human expectations has hurt the ability to make concrete predictions. If I were to conduct this interview, I would counter back to understand how might human influence help with some predictions. I believe that computers take a key component out of making predictions and that is simply humanity. If you take the humanity out of humans, you will solely have data and statistics. It can be beneficial to place human expectations into predictive systems in order to have a sense of humanity.
David Madzivanyika
Harvard GenEd 2023
Mar 29, 2023
In Space
The most surprising concept that I learned in the interview with Jill Tarter was that the system that they use to study extraterrestrial life is simply the study of feedback signals in space to see if there is any other form of technology in space. The system they use does not actually predict anything but just tries to eliminate the uncertainty. The predictive system is based on analytics and they compare it to prior studies to see if whatever they discovered is worth following. A question that I would've followed up with would be why do we make the assumption that other plants have technological advancements to create a potential signal that would indicate life? What if there is life on other planets but they have not had the ability to develop traceable technology? How can these systems account for such?

David Madzivanyika

Harvard GenEd 2023
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