I remember taking CS50, Introduction to computer science, in the spring of 2022 where during every lecture, we would spend a few minutes discussing the ethics of computer science. This has been a topic which I found important then and would to this day revisit sometime. In this interview, Professor Shneiderman addresses the challenge of having full automation in situations of life importance. He mentions Elon Musk’s quote where he admitted that he automated too fast and that humans are underrated. As IA advances over time, I am likely to remember this part of the interview when I question whether humans should be more involved within a certain process.
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Dear Marko, great insights! I remember taking CS50 as well as and also found the discussion about the ethics of computer science very compelling. I haven't watched Professor Shneiderman's interview, but I'm curious about his take that automation moving too quickly. I think that while automation presents challenges, it also presents a lot of opportunities for making processes that would take a long time much more efficient. In this case, how willing are we to trade human efficiency with slowing the speed of development for the sake of 'computer science ethics'?