Explain (In a paragraph) how the interview relates to your chosen final project topic.
Professor Brendan Meade’s area of expertise surrounds earthquake prediction, which is my topic for the final project. In the video, Meade emphasizes the paramount importance of earthquake prediction, noting the critical questions of where, how large, and when. He details recent technological advancements that enable us to make predictions that weren’t previously possible, including the ability to study earthquakes via an industrial-like version of GPS, which allows us to measure the earth’s surface movements. Meade also explores the concept of building computational models where we can extract information about how the earth moves steadily. I also appreciate that he highlights a similar theme to what was mentioned in the video with Dr. Stuart Firestein; both experts touch upon the idea of embracing one’s ignorance and, as Meade mentions, “being humble first,” admitting that we don’t have all the answers at the moment – in other words, to accept some of life’s #uncertainties.
Include at least one image and one useful citation (with a link) to additional relevant information in your post.

I am also attaching a picture of my sister, Isabella, and me in Iceland in 2019 at the site where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet.